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The Men I've Tied Up: Carl

Writer: thoughtful_fetishist thoughtful_fetishist

Updated: Nov 9, 2024

I haven’t tied up many guys, but I find the stories of how I’ve managed to subdue men in real life worth sharing. For some of these guys, I just had a fling with them and bondage somehow was involved. For other guys, I had deeper connections with them and bondage was also somehow involved. To protect these guys’ privacy, the names I have here are aliases. If you know who I am and you’re one of the guys I talk about here, I apologize in advanced if my depiction of you is at all unflattering. Even though some of the guys on this list aren’t in speaking terms with me, my intention here isn’t to put anyone on blast. I am doing this to give some insight about being a bondage fetishist who tries to incorporate his fetish into his real interactions with boyfriends, hookups, and friends, so I don’t mean to insult or 13 Reasons Why anyone I mention.


I met Carl on Recon. His profile didn’t have much information, but it indicated that he was into scat and bondage. His profile picture was a mirror selfie that revealed he was a ginger bear with thick-rimmed glasses. After initiating contact, we unlocked our albums for each other and I really liked what I saw. Carl was a clean-cut redhead with really light skin and striking blue eyes. He had a really handsome face with a cropped beard and full, pouty lips. Carl was on the thicker side, but his face was a bit narrow and he seemed to conceal his girth with clothes and camera angles. I didn’t mind that he was heftier though.

After chatting for a bit on Recon, I decided to make the bold move by offering Carl my number so we can text. A few days went by, and Carl and I seemed to be hitting it off, which made me ask him out. He accepted, and we went on a date. After having coffee and walking around the mall, because there wasn’t a lot to do in the college town I lived in, we decided to get dinner. These are boring details, but I mention them because we had gotten comfortable with touching each other by that point, so Carl rested his heavy hand on my thigh, which gave me a mad hard on. I didn’t want to be too forward, so I didn’t tell him about the serious tent I was pitching in my jeans. We had dinner, then he took me home. After hearing that he also had a good time, we arranged to go on another date and briefly kissed. Since he was several inches taller than me, he would basically lean over to kiss me while pulling me into him. His excitement to see me again was adorable and intoxicating.

For our second date, we decided that it would be best for me to see him in Austin and have a sleepover at his place. Of course, with us being dating adults having a sleepover, we had sex. Once we got to his room, it was the first time we were alone together, so we instantly began making out on his bed. It didn’t take long for him to unbutton my shirt and shorts while he was still fully dressed, which is something that will keep happening throughout my dating and hookup life, making me feel submissive. Since he was taller and heavier than me, his body encompassed mine when he laid on top of me, making me almost feel as though I was tied down. However, when it came to having sex, I really wanted to pleasure him, but he was committed to being a bottom, which not only means that I topped him, but I was also the only one who got to cum. This wasn’t a cum control thing, but he just didn’t seem interested in getting head or a hand job from me. At least I got mine and he seemed to enjoy it as well.

We continued texting after that from morning to night. At some point during this time, Carl surprised me with a few selfies with socks stuffed in his mouth. He was shirtless, so I was able to see his shoulder tattoos and some of his red chest hair. His blue eyes and furrowed brows looked like they were pleading with me. Carl’s cheeks looked stretched, his jaw was pulled low, and his sexy lips curled around the colorful, dirty socks that filled his mouth. I was so turned on and I wanted more from him. I really wanted to hear what his voice sounded like with those socks suppressing his tongue and blocking the sound of his voice, but I didn’t want to push it and seem ungrateful for what he’s already done for me by demanding a video of his gag talk, so I didn’t. I figured that if he’s being this frisky now, I’d eventually get to tie and gag him myself soon enough. To this day, those pictures continue to be prized possessions of mine.

Our next date started like the last one with me going to his place in Austin, where I’d stay the whole weekend. We got to making out again, then when things got a bit heavier, he stopped me to reach for his nightstand to pull out some short strands of black rope, which seemed to be from a porn shop. I liked where this was going. We continued to kiss, then I bound his wrists in front of him with one strand and bound his ankles with the other, wishing that I had the long roll of rope I had left at home, so I could have wrapped some of it across Carl’s torso and knees. What I did think to bring, however, was a black bandanna that was already rolled and knotted in the middle. So, I played with Carl’s naked, tied up body, pinching and nibbling on his pierced nipples and caressing his cock, then left him for a second to retrieve my prepared gag.

I find it funny how a lot of guys who volunteer to get tied up don’t seem to expect a gag because I always view those things as going naturally together. I found this especially strange in Carl’s case, since he knew I was into gags and he had even gagged himself for me in the past. Needless to say, he seemed to not be expecting a gag, but I couldn’t help myself at that point. I slipped the knot between his lips and knotted the bandanna behind his head. I saw this as my opportunity to make him cum, so I made Carl rest his hands over his head, as though they were tied to the headboard, rested my left hand over his gagged mouth, and caressed his wet and fully erect cock with my right hand. Carl squirmed a bit and moaned, then lowered his arms to stop me, but as the dom, I kept a firm grip on Carl. He then tried saying something through the bandanna and under my hand. I asked if he was close to cumming, but he didn’t give a clear yes or no and persisted to gag talk. I removed my hand from his mouth, so I can understand him, and he lispily said through the knot in his mouth that he didn’t want to cum yet because he wanted me to fuck him. I wasn’t about to argue with that request, so I obliged and prepared myself.

When I was ready and got Carl ready, I placed a pillow under his lower back, lifted his still tied, girthy legs, and gently got started. After a few minutes, his legs being tied became uncomfortable for both of us, so I untied them, allowing Carl to rest and spread his legs. However, the mere logistics of being a one-hundred-and-sixty-something pound guy maneuvering a much bigger guy with tied wrists around became taxing and sweaty, not at all like the simple sex we had before. What really helped me finish was getting to see Carl’s tied wrists and gagged face and hear his muffled moans. We were both exhausted afterwards and I think we just fell asleep after I untied him.

Before this date, Carl had invited me to a friend’s Memorial Day barbecue, so that’s what we did the next day. I bring this up because Carl wore a short-sleeved, navy blue button up with white polka dots and faded red shorts, which makes this the first time that I got to see Carl in a collared shirt. The mere thought that the sexy guy I tied up and had my way with the night before is also this cutely dressed guy I was going to a barbecue with made my feelings for him really start to cement. Throughout the day, I kept thinking about how much I wanted to be the one who unbuttoned his shirt that night since I didn’t have as many opportunities. I also really wanted to see him bound and gagged in that outfit, but figured that he might not be up for that so soon after our last bondage session. Because I thought that this was leading to a relationship, I figured once again that I would have time to eventually do that with him, but I was wrong.

The barbecue and Carl’s friends were great. By the time we got home, both of us were just ready for sleep, so there was no bondage or sex, and I didn’t even get to unbutton Carl’s shirt for him because he was already undressed by the time I got to bed. The next day was kind of a disaster for us. From everything leading up to that, my feelings for Carl were getting stronger and I wanted to talk about getting serious with him. However, with that, I had to also talk about my plans to move out of Texas the following year when I finished the master’s program I was in, so I asked if he’d be willing to go with me if I were to go through with that plan, and all hell broke loose. A few years before, Carl had moved to Austin from the Midwest with a group of friends and was happy with his life there, which didn’t make moving in the near future an option. Eventually when I offered to revise my initial plans to leave right after graduating, it didn’t help matters any because it would have made Carl feel as though he were holding me back. After such a great start, everything quickly fell apart after that.

With such a good start and abrupt ending to our thing, I was really hung up on Carl. The guys I tried dating after him didn’t really measure up to him, which made me miss him even more. So, I persistently tried making it work. Eventually, with time to really think about things, it came out that my fetish was kind of a burden to him. He pretty much said that my fixation on bondage was too much for him. This came as a surprise to me because we had met on Recon, a fetishy social networking website; he had known what I was into from the get-go and appeared to be into it as well; and he was even the one who offered the gagged selfie and initiated getting tied up the last time we had sex. So, I couldn’t understand how or why he could possibly go that far with me if he wasn’t that into everything we did. It couldn’t be that his feelings were so strong for me that he was able to overlook my kinks, because maybe he would have been more willing to face the obstacles that our relationship would have anticipated.

Since I was still so drawn to him, I didn’t realize at the time that him supposedly being into bondage was a major thing that attracted me to him, which would have easily gone away quickly in a long-term relationship when he’d grow tired of it. Until then, he had checked all the boxes for me in terms of being attractive, being a good guy, appearing to be into me, and having his life together, with also being into bondage serving as a bonus. If Carl and I had met under different circumstances, it probably would have taken months for me to be that forward with him about my fetish. But the jig is sort of up when you meet on Recon, which is why a lot of our initial conversations were about bondage and I was dumb enough to believe that I had found a guy on there who was that sexually and romantically compatible with me.

I still don’t know what Carl’s deal was with saying that he was into something he wasn’t and kind of leading me on like that. As I alluded to earlier, he was also into scat, particularly getting peed on, which is something he’d briefly bring up when we’d be making out, then never bring it up again or make an effort to act on it. I really wanted to meet Carl halfway with what he was into, but like his commitment to being a bottom, he never seemed to want me to do anything for him when we were together. Time went on, and I eventually lost touch with and got over him. Even though I hate remembering what happened after, I still look back at the things we did together fondly and I hope that he does too. In spite of all the ugliness, we did seem to end on good terms.


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