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Gag Talk

A Place for Male Bondage Insights, Storytelling, and Connecting 


This is @thoughtful.fetishist on kinky Instagram. 


I'm just a bondage fetishist who wants to connect with other like-minded and thoughtful perverts without being hassled by the confines of social media. This little site is just a place with my content such as blog entries about my thoughts on male bondage, some personal stories about bondage experiences, and fictional bondage stories I have written. 

This blog category gets into the specific things in male bondage that make me tick.

Whether we're dealing with abductions, hostage situations, or just being taken out of commission, I love bondage that fits into some kind of narrative and have written several bondage stories over the years. 

Since masculinity is such a major factor for male desirability, as well as something that's weaponized against queer men, I get into how male bondage works with and against concepts of masculinity, straight men, "straight-coded" things, etc.


This is the nonfiction version of my fictional stories. Here, I talk about and reflect on actual bondage experiences I've had.

Screencap culture is a prominent, yet somewhat over looked part of bondage media. In this blog category, I talk about bondage scenes in movies that I love, analyze the bondage in some mainstream media.

This blog category covers stuff that isn't actually about bondage, but gets into relevant topics about queerness. 

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