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Self-Bondage Nightmare

Writer: thoughtful_fetishist thoughtful_fetishist

Updated: Nov 9, 2024

My name’s Jaime (High-Me). Bondage has always been an interest of mine in spite of what I tell people I have sexual encounters with. It isn’t something I’m ashamed of per se, but I quiver at the thought of telling other people, not only because I’m scared of being judged, but letting the image of me in a completely helpless state appear in someone’s head is downright terrifying to me. I guess I’m a control freak to the extent that I do my best to make sure that my friends never even picture me in a humiliating or vulnerable position. So, the search for a guy I’d trust enough to tie up and dominate me has been challenging to say the least.

I’ve made a few friends on male bondage networking sites with an anonymous profile and discussed matters to see if that could let my guard down; however, even though most of the guys I came across seemed fairly nice, I still can’t get over the slight paranoia that they might kidnap, rob, or hurt me in any way while I’m completely defenseless. Regardless of how much I enjoy watching other men being humiliated and helpless as they are tied up, gagged, spanked, foot worshipped, and edged in porn and long to be in that kind of position, I find myself getting jitters as soon as I message other people about the subject. Since this longing to be tied up has increased immensely over the last couple of years, but my crippling fear of experiencing restraint has stood its ground, I have been feeling extremely conflicted. So far, my closest encounters with bondage have involved tying my legs, gagging myself with old socks and tape, fastening belts around my torso with a little give so I can slip my arms through them, and knotting a tie into a loop and twisting my hands within it behind my back to get a feel of what being tied up is, but I have been wanting to take my self bondage a bit further.

I decided that since I can’t trust anybody, I might as well find the best way possible to tie myself up that can give me a similar thrill to being tied up by another person, but still be able to free myself whenever I want. After several days of researching online forums about the subject, I found a way that could possibly work with the materials I had, except for the actual rope, which I had to spring for at the nearest hardware store because I was too shy to show my face in any porn shops and didn’t want to wait for an online order to arrive. The trick was to fasten an end of the rope to some kind of firm bar or handle from a piece of furniture, grab the other end, and wrap the length of the rope around and between your wrists. Nothing fastened around me would be knotted so I could just struggle that end loose and free myself once I’m finished, but the people on the forum also said to have a small knife at a reachable area just in case I twist the ropes too tight and need to immediately cut myself loose.

The day I had anticipated finally arrived once I had all the needed materials and my only roommate was out for the day. Before tying myself, I put on an ash-grey henley that I usually leave unbuttoned, so the edges of the placket rest to the sides and expose my thin patch of chest hair. I paired the henley with dark boot-cut jeans that were tight in the waist and thigh areas. I tend to prefer watching bondage porn where the guy being tied up is dressed in a cute outfit, instead of just being naked, so I like to kind of set the scene for the tied up character that I’m playing by dressing up and watching myself in distress as another guy. So, I placed a full-length mirror in front of where I plan to be tied, which might appear vain, but I feel that being able to see myself tied up, rather than just feeling the sensation, really adds to the experience. I decided to tie myself to the desk in my room with a metal shelf attached to it because it was the perfect height to support me and is pretty sturdy.

As usual, I tightly wrapped up my knees and ankles, but with my new rope this time. I then cleave gagged myself with a navy blue bandana. I fastened the end of the rope to a bar on the shelf that was at the level of my wrists. Once the rope was tightly anchored to the desk, I positioned my hands behind my back and twisted my wrists around. I tugged them roughly to get a tense hold and before reaching the other end of the rope, I tucked it between strands of rope in between my wrists and pulled it tight. Adrenaline flooded my entire body, making chills run down my chest and torso. My knees weakened against the firm hold of the rope. A light pain shot from my wrists making my hands lose a little circulation. I tugged away from the desk, but the restraints remained strong for the first time. I have successfully tied myself!

Even though I was incredibly aroused, my face showed distress. My top lip curled over the cleave gag. A corner of the bandana draped over my bottom lip and chin. My cheekbones flexed stressfully under my dark brown eyes that squinted under my wrinkled forehead, which caused my thick black eyebrows to lift, making a helpless expression. My throat and collar bone quivered whenever I choked out a low moan. My broad shoulders darted away from my torso as my arms remained behind my back, creating a triangle and exposing my firm chest. My knees shook beneath the layers of rope that was wrapped around and knotted between my legs, and my ankles were bound the same way but fastened to the foot of my desk. A growth began to emerge in my crotch. It grazed the inside of my jeans and hugged the ropes I fastened around my hips and between my legs, creating a rope jockstrap that outlines the bulge in my jeans -- something I’ve seen in porn and have been wanting to replicate.

I fantasized that some home invader forced an entry into my apartment and tied up my roommate, Kale, and myself in our rooms. He would have just gotten out of the shower, so small drops of water would bead down from his short, uncombed, dirty-blonde hair that waved in small creases to the back of his head and bled down to his well-worked pale, Irish body. Nervous sweat would drip from his soft nose. His green eyes would be filled with a combination of fear and aggression. Even though he’d be scared, Kale would absolutely hate having his knee-high gym socks stuffed in and tied around his mouth, forcing his round cheekbones to flex with parallel lines going down the sides of his mouth and his soft chin and jawline to hang low. So, he’d squeal out all kinds of obscenities and complaints with his rough voice out of rebellion for being held against his will. His beautifully toned body would be firmly secured to the door to his room with his arms above his head with his wrists and ankles tied to the doorknob on the opposite side. His tight boxer briefs would be damp because he quickly put them on after his shower was cut short from the unexpected invasion. I imagined that the intruder teased both of us roughly and flirtatiously, which caused me to flinch nervously and yelp into my gag pretending that I didn’t want it. Kale, on the other hand, would be grunting angrily with an irritated facial expression while attempting to keep the fear in his eyes invisible when the invader toyed with him in a sexual manner. He’d flinch pitifully and choke out muffled insults through his gag out of pain from when the invader tormented him either by roughly slapping him across the face or pinching his exposed body.

This fantasy exhilarated me as I trembled with erotic ecstasy, picturing Kale and I both in this incredibly helpless state, peering at each other from across the hall and exchanging worried and humiliated glances, communicating by moaning at each other as we remained bound for several hours after the invader left us. We won’t be able to get loose or effectively call out for help until cops or some kind of rescuer discovered us, and we’d moan excitedly for them to free us. I was at static from the excitement, so I lost track of time until I came really close to climaxing in my jeans. This allowed a little bit of reality to set in, so I tried calming myself a bit. Once I recovered, I decided to let myself loose and finish myself off for the best masturbating session of my life, but I couldn’t free myself!

I attempted to find the end of the rope, but my wrists were bound too close together to reach for it. I tried to press my wrists together in order to squeeze at least one hand free, but that didn’t work either. Before reaching the point of panic, I strained for a pair of scissors I had left on my desk to cut myself free, but I didn’t get a firm enough grip out of panic and dropped them right beside my feet. Now I was really helpless. This was something I’ve always wanted to experience, but now my worst nightmare seems to be happening in real life. I’ve literally become a prisoner of my own fetish and bad judgment without even letting another person put me in danger. It felt like bugs were crawling all over my body as I tried clearing my head to think of an escape plan that would actually work. As I continued worrying about how I could get free, the front door interrupted my thoughts. I froze, not knowing how to react and realized that it was probably my roommate getting home early or a maintenance worker coming to fix or inspect something. Either way, it meant my freedom!

I decided to play it off as if I was attacked by a home invader, so I moaned as loud as I could manage, my deep voice was already hoarse from dehydration. My roommate opened my door to find me grunting excitedly and motioning for him to untie me. I shook my wrists and grunted as much as I could to emphasize my urgency as Kale walked toward me looking surprised.

Kale then said, “Oh shit, dude! Are you o...?”

He didn’t finish his question and peered around my room. Kale looked me up and down as I tried ignoring his change of tone and pleaded with him. His gaze stopped at my semi-erect crotch for a few seconds, which made him chuckle as he realized how I got into this predicament. Then Kale’s expression turned to the face he makes whenever he’s planning a malicious prank on one of his friends. This chilled me right to the bone.

“Well, it doesn’t seem like anything was taken” Kale said with a disingenuous tone as he looked around my room again. “I don’t see any sign of a forced entry and you don’t look like you’re hurt or anything…” my mischievous roommate said teasingly, looking at my crotch again, then meeting my eyes.

This was his way of telling me that he knew I had tied myself up for some kind of sexual thrill. He has noticed my embarrassment and sense of urgency to be cut loose. His playfulness right now is not only showing me that he’s enjoying having me helpless like this, but making me think that he isn’t going to cut me loose any time soon.

Sure enough, Kale asked “So, I think it wouldn’t hurt for you to be like this for a few more hours while I have some friends over?” while we both knew that any answer would essentially lead to Kale getting his way since he’s calling the shots at this moment.

I still shook my head furiously and was ready to offer Kale anything he wanted to let me go and never talk about this again as soon as he removed my gag, but I was cut off by him stuffing the bandanna into my mouth. The feeling of my bandana interrupting my bargaining and tickling my tonsils caused me yelp and then cough as my more intensified gag settled between my lips. My cut-off pleading seemed to amuse Kale because his smirk widened.

“Sorry dude, but I was actually hoping you wouldn’t be here today because I kind of needed your room since mine was going to be busy” Kale said with a casual “sorry, not sorry” attitude and a wink.

“But don’t worry, the next couple of hours should fly by, I just need you to be cool until then… I’ll make it up to you,” Kale said as he retrieved a role of clear duct tape from my shelf and walked over to me.

This really caught me by surprise. I knew that Kale was a dick, but I only thought that he did this kind of thing to his friends as jokes, not that he’d actually keep someone against his will just to have a “fuck room.” I attempted protesting with an angry sounding voice as he sealed my mouth shut with the tape. I had no idea how muffling that would be until hearing how pitifully muted my voice became as the tape layers piled over my lips, which made me realize that I wasn’t going to talk anyone out of anything any time soon. Once Kale was finished gagging me, he wrapped a few layers of the tape across my chest to the shelf of the desk, securing my back flat against it. My roommate looked me up and down with satisfaction. Humiliation really started to kick in to the point that I felt my face blush.

“Thanks for being cool, bro” said Kale right before patting my shoulder playfully and leaving me to struggle in a predicament that is worse than the one I was in before


I peered at my reflection to notice that my face looked stretched and long from my jaw being forced open, causing the rest of my face to look stressed, and my cheeks puffed out over the thick layers of tape like a muffin top. I was able to make out the pink from my lips and fog from my breath through the tape’s transparency. My body grew exhausted to a point I’ve never experienced and just rested within my bindings. If I were to get released, my limbs would probably collapse from fatigue without being able to get on my feet. It took too much effort to make an audible noise. When I managed to get anything out, my voice was just a series of faint groans.

When people started showing up, they would leave their coats and bags on my bed and use my bathroom either without seeming to notice the 6 foot tall bound and gagged Hispanic guy in the room, or smile and greet me as if I were an old friend that always got tied up at parties from time to time to the point that it’s a casual matter like “Oh! Hey Jamie is tied up again.” After a few hours, a couple started to make out in my now dark room and pushed coats aside for a spot on my bed. To avoid any more awkwardness, I nonchalantly put my head down and closed my eyes, as there was nothing else I could do.

I heard them stop right after the making out got heavier and the girl said, “Wait! That guy could see!”

The guy said, “It’s ok. Look! He has his eyes closed. Let’s keep going!”

“No, it’s creeping me out!” exclaimed the girl.

I then heard somebody get off the bed and walk toward me, so I opened my eyes. The guy was slim, and only wearing white boxers and socks, was sprawled on my bed and looking at me. The girl was completely naked and covering herself and walking toward me. She draped a long jacket over my head, surprisingly making me feel more humiliated and dehumanized than before.

When she returned to my bed, she asked, “So is he a pledge or something?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t think Kale was in a fraternity,” answered the guy.

Unbelievable, Kale didn’t even explain what I was to his guests and they don’t even care. The couple had drunken sex that I couldn’t see, not like I wanted to. I did, however, get to hear every moan and bed squeal until they finished.

I must have fallen asleep because I only remember waking up in my now sunlit room still tied and gagged, of course. Except now, looking at my reflection, I notice that someone had drawn a big pair of red lips over my taped mouth with lipstick as well as penises on my cheeks and forehead. Some girl’s hot pink bra hugged my chest tightly, and my pants were unbuttoned and unzipped showing my yellow boxer briefs. My body was completely sore and tender from being tied up so long, and my wrists were long past numb. I choked out a disgruntled shriek with hopes my asshole roommate would hear and hurry to my rescue, but I didn’t get any response. It looks like I’m going to have to see if anyone outside could hear and find me, or if my roommate would return and untie me. I hate to accept this, but there really wasn’t anything else to do. I guess it’s my price to pay for not trusting a stranger.



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