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Amiable Abduction Shared Fantasies: Number 6

Writer: thoughtful_fetishist thoughtful_fetishist

“You haven’t heard from him?!” I asked with surprise. “No. Jason hasn’t been home all day, but I just assumed that he was with you… I’m sure he’s fine. He’ll turn up soon” I said, sounding reassuring. “I know… Jason’s a pro at not charging his phone, or forgetting it, and spontaneously going God-knows where... I’ll let you know as soon as I hear from him… Please let me know if you hear from him before me… Okay… Alright, I’ll talk to you later,” I hung up with Jason’s girlfriend. 

Jason glared at me from across the room. His eyes told me that he really wanted to say something. Jason's eyebrows furrowed out of bewilderment and anger. His brown eyes darted at me intensely.

He really didn't like it when I stuffed his mouth with a hand towel. He seemed patient and willing to talk me through everything, probably just so he can eventually convince me to untie him. But when I tried gagging Jason, he went from calm to a little panicked. His face blushed, and his lips tightened as he'd quickly say things like "no" and "stop" while trying to avoid giving me enough time to shove the towel into his mouth. It was actually the most shy I've seen him act because Jason is usually very outgoing. 

When I got a corner of the towel between his lips, I had leverage and was able to stuff more of the towel through his teeth and over his tongue. Jason gagged and let out a raspy whimper. I then used my thin handkerchief to wrap over his mouth to keep Jason from spitting out the towel. Parts of the towel hung from his lips and bunched in front of his face because it was too big to completely fit in his mouth. 

After that, Jason has been giving me a look that indicates offense. Maybe he thought that I respected him enough to trust that he won't cry out for help. Perhaps, he assumed that I'd preserve his pride by not belittling him into being nothing but a noiseless, immobile prop in my little scheme.  

Jason doesn't make much noise outside of a few grunts or moans as he lightly struggles in the chair he's tied to. His bite on the rag adds stress to his face. His jaw has to be at least a little sore by now. His upper lip moved in discomfort, trying to find a more suitable way of relaxing his face considering his predicament. Jason's soft cheekbones flexed under his eyes. 

When I answered the phone to his girlfriend, Jason's look told me that he'd probably be screaming his head off if he was able to. When I'd say a lie about him, he'd either shake his head, breathe heavily while lightly muttering something, or tug at his binds, probably hoping that he'll get loose, so he can remove his gag.

After hanging up with his girlfriend, I decided to give Jason a break from his gag and get him some water. I pulled the handkerchief below his chin and helped him spit out the towel. He coughed dryly and gave a sigh of relief. 

"Have you ever heard of just a piece of tape over the mouth or something?" Jason asked tiredly as he closed his mouth awkwardly with a pained look on his face. I chuckle. 

"Then, you'd definitely be loud enough to attract attention," I said as I filled up a glass with tap water. Jason seemed to grow tense and silent at the thought that I've considered the logistics of keeping him against his will without getting the neighbors involved. 

I walked over to Jason and put the glass to his lips and slowly tilted it to gently pour water into his mouth. Jason lightly gulped and we stopped, so he could take a breather. He coughed a little, but sounded more relieved and satisfied.

"How long do you think this will last?" Jason asked with a rough voice as he looked down at his restrained body.

"You know? I never really have a plan for these kinds of things, so… all I'm concerned about is you not having a chance to get loose, which you don't. I can see it in your face," I said. Jason didn't seem happy with that answer, but he soon thought of a retort. 

"Kelly sounded worried. I was able to see the terror in your face that she might turn up over here, looking for me," Jason said with a smirk, thinking that he got one over on me. He didn't. 

"Oh please! Kelly is hyperbolic, but I can play your girlfriend like a fiddle. She totally ate the bullshit I gave her by the spoonful" I said pridefully.

"All I need to do is text her from your phone in about an hour, tell her that you went to visit your mom where the signal is bad, say that you aren't feeling well and need to rest for a couple of days and to not come over because whatever you have might be contagious, and she'll be out of our hair," I said, relishing the dread on Jason's face.He hates the idea of being like this for days.

"I can't blame her for being so worried about you. I'd be the same way if I had such a handsome boyfriend" I said, smiling ear to ear, enjoying the embarrassment on Jason's face. 

He tensely adjusted himself in his seat, the look of fear and anger that filled his face when he was gagged returned as he pursed his lips with nothing else to say. When I picked up the rag that was in his mouth, Jason grew more nervous and started turning his head awkwardly as he anticipated what I was going to do with the towel. When I raised the rag towards Jason's face, he flinched, but caught himself to not seem as panicked. 

"Aww! You poor thing! You must be traumatized" I said with teasing sympathy. Jason glared at me, then looked away, embarrassed.

I walked behind him and put the towel between his lips. Jason didn't put up as much of a fuss as last time, but let out a frustrated sigh as I forced the cloth into his mouth. However, his tongue appeared to be stopping the towel from going in further. 

"Ah-ah-ah! I know for a fact that more of this rag went in last time" I scolded. Jason tried saying that it didn't need to go in further in a muffled whine, but I kept pushing the towel in until more of it slid in and he gagged a little. His face showed complete displeasure with a wrinkled forehead, angry eyebrows, and a few tears streaming down his cheek.

"Good boy! That wasn't so bad, was it?" I asked as I untied the now loose handkerchief that was resting around his neck. Jason groaned in an angry, yet defeated way as I tied it over his open, stuffed mouth. 

"Jeez! Some people take this roleplaying so seriously," I said in an ironic serious voice. "You would think that I was actually keeping you against your will… As if that enormous tent your pitching isn't making a liar out of you," I said, breaking character.



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