To continue my discussion about unbuttoning shirts, I wanted to put what I said in my blog to practice. This story plays with the idea of a dom opening a sub's shirt for reasons that can be sexual, playful, or just kind of cruel. I think it's fun to not know for sure
When I first moved to Chicago, I played with a dom who tied me to a chair that he placed in front of a big mirror by the time I got there. Once I was bound and gagged, he undid a few buttons of my shirt, took a few pictures, stripped me some more, then took a few more pictures. Then, when I looked at the pictures after the session, I got off on the idea that I was being held hostage by someone who had left me tied up with my shirt opened up for no apparent reason. So, there was no sign that the captor was attracted to me. He didn't fondle me or do anything else indicative of sex. He just instinctually chose to expose me and leave me that way.
I find that arousing because there's something objectifying and humiliating about it. Like, maybe I was being held hostage with friends or colleagues, but he just wanted to have me exposed in front of everyone. Maybe there were other captors present who understand that this is simply something this guy does to some of his captives. Maybe when the hostages are rescued, some of the rescuers make assumptions about the captors doing something sexual to me because they found me exposed.
Being singled out like that and exposed without being able to do anything about it would call particular attention to me and make others wonder why I was treated that way. Did the captor like me or just like the idea of picking on me? Was I being punished for something? Is it simply more of a reinforcement of my helplessness and his power? Either way, it’s vulnerable and humiliating, and is sexually enjoyable in many ways.
False Imprisonment
Jasper is a lonely rancher. Even though he likes his solitude, he sometimes wishes that he had more than his bloodhound, Benny, to talk to, someone who can hold a conversation with him. On the occasion that a family member pays Jasper a visit, he jokes that his cattle keeps him plenty of company.
Jasper isn't the marrying type, but he'd like it if there were a bar that was less than 50 miles away. That way, some drinks and other people's voices could break up some of the thoughts that are constantly rolling through his head without interruption. This urge has never been strong enough to motivate Jasper to leave his small town though.
He loves his land, which is both valuable and came from his family. Although he likes seeing what little family he has left in small doses, he wouldn't want to live further from them because they wouldn't get on a plane or drive more than a few hours to see him.
Jasper also isn't entirely social. If there was a bar within an stone's throw, he'd likely sit far away from the bar's entrance and keep to himself, be polite and engaging to people that talk to him, but would avoid starting up new conversations. Call it shyness or introversion, but Jasper would be happy with just observing patrons coming in and out, having conversations among themselves, playing songs on the jukebox, etc.
Too much one-on-one chatting makes Jasper nervous. He loves to tell stories and give life advice, but finds it hard to pay attention to others when they talk directly to him. If they talk too fast, Jasper gets frustrated from trying to keep up and wishes that it would be more acceptable to interrupt people or even physically silence them at times.
Of course, he's never done that because he was taught to be respectful, so he does his best to follow along and at least make it look like he's listening. But this is what he likes about his solitude, there's less pressure to keep up with social standards. Jasper can think aloud and say the wildest things to his animals and they won't look at him funny or share their anecdotes with him. His dog even has a very loud and hoarse bark, but Jasper can tell him to keep it down, and Benny obeys.
One night, Jasper woke up to strange noises outside. Nights are usually very silent where he lives, so the slightest disturbance can sound like a stampede. When Jasper looked out from his window, he noticed a truck parked by his barn.
The running motor was one of the sounds that woke him. There was two men dressed in black, with black hats and black bandanas over their faces, and it looked like they were herding some of Jasper's pigs onto the bed of the truck. The other noises he was hearing must've been the pig's squeals and the men's murmuring, as they tried to quickly lead as many of these animals onto the truck as they can without attracting attention.
Well, it was too late. Jasper quickly put on his boots, grabbed his rifle, and trotted outside. He left Benny inside to keep him safe in case the men were armed. He fired a warning shot as he exited his house to alert the bandits, hoping that they'd get scared and drive away with the few pigs they already had. Jasper would take that over any kind of scuffle while he's still in his underwear. Chances are that these guys weren't prepared to deal with people that night, so they'd cut their losses and escape if they can. Jasper was half right about that.
After the gunshot, both of the bandits froze. Then, one sprinted to the driver's side of the truck, shifted gears, and tore off, ignoring that the bed of the truck was still open. The pegs that were used for a ramp fell onto the grass and the other bandit stood in shock for a second. He ran towards the moving vehicle, shouting at his partner to wait for him. He leapt towards the open door of the truck bed, reaching for it, but missed and fell to the ground. The truck was going too fast and was soon out of sight.
Before the bandit could get up, Jasper loaded his gun and ordered him not to move as he walked closer. The bandit's hat fell off and he laid faced-down on the ground, covering the back of his head with his gloved hands. As Jasper looked down at the man who's scared for his life, he realized the power he had in the situation.
He had the power to shoot this guy, turn him over the the sheriff, who probably wouldn't get there for hours, or something else. This guy was clearly in the wrong and deserves punishment, but likely doesn't want to be killed or go to jail. If given the chance, the bandit could get away, like the other guy, at best. At worst, he can hurt Jasper.
"Please don't..." the bandit started to plead. His voice trembled and sounded desperate.
"Shut up!" Jasper ordered, cutting him off. He was surprised by how stern he sounded.
"What you're gonna do is get up... slowly, and keep your hands where I can see them," Jasper demanded, repeating things he's seen on TV. "And don't say a fucking word!"
The bandit moved his hands from his head to push himself up from the ground. When he was on his feet, he kept his hands raised in front of him. The bandanna that covered his face was askew. Jasper walked closer to him and with one swoop, he pulled the cloth under his chin. He looked younger than Jasper expected, with short dark hair and a thick beard. He looked embarrassed and a little scared.
"Now, turn around and walk towards the barn," Jasper instructed, not sure what he was going to do next. "And keep those hands raised!"
Jasper and the bandit walked into the barn, pigs were roaming around. Jasper would be able to address that once the bandit is taken care of. Then, he saw a roll of his brown hemp rope hanging from a hook and decided that he'll tie up his new friend.
"Get back on the ground with your hands over your head, as you were," Jasper demanded, so he could safely put his gun down and get the rope. The bandit gave a hesitant look.
"You don't have to..." the bandit started, but again was cut off.
"You're not here to tell me what I have to do! What YOU have to do is keep that mouth shut and do what I tell you," Jasper asserted. The bandit let out a sigh, then followed Jasper's orders.
Jasper leaned his rifle against the wall and retrieved the rope. He thought about what it would take to properly restrain a guy's wrists. He has a general understanding of tying knots, but wasn't sure about the logistics of keeping hands tied together. Jasper really didn't want this guy to get loose and retaliate. It can't be too different from tying a pig's limbs together.
He grabbed one of the bandit's wrists, pulled it behind his back, wrapped roped around it, then got the other wrist to do the same and tie them together. With his prisoner restrained, Jasper decided to search the bandit, patting his body and legs. Aside from a lighter in his pocket and a small blade in his boot, he didn't have much in his possession. By grabbing one of the bandit's elbows, he pulled him back to his feet, so they can walk back to Jasper's house.
"W-what are you going to do with me?!" the bandit asked as Jasper recollected his weapon. He still sounded scared. Jasper said nothing, but gestured towards his house while resting more rope over his shoulder. The bandit sighed again and started walking towards the house, his hands bound behind his back. The sun was starting to rise.
"Looks like I'm gonna have to do something about that mouth of yours," Jasper remarked snidely as he walked behind the bandit. He started to consider what the best way to silence this man would be.
A strip of tape over the lips was the first idea that came to mind, but it probably wouldn't stick over his beard. He can also wrap the tape over his mouth, but removing and replacing that would be tedious. Jasper supposed that he could make him bite down on a cloth that would be tied behind his head. Even though the bandit isn't talking that much and he could scream as loud as he wanted without another soul hearing him, Jasper liked thinking about different ways he could gag his guest.
Something about the thought that Jasper could do whatever he wanted, and this guy would just have to take it, regardless of how much he didn't like it, was very exciting. Jasper justified this with the feeling that this bandit somehow owed him something and is repaying his debt for showing up when Jasper was asleep and taking what he wanted with his friend. Plus, nothing could really stop Jasper from doing what he wanted as long as the bandit isn't able to fight back.
When they got inside, they were greeted by Benny, who barked at the new man. The bandit flinched and stepped backwards, but Jasper caught him.
"Benny, go lay down!" Jasper commanded. Benny hesitated, then turned around and walked towards his bed to lie down.

Jasper walked the bandit towards a chair in his living room. An idea of how to further immobilize his prisoner came to mind, so Jasper untied the bandit's wrists, so he can tie them in front of his body instead. He sat the bandit on the chair and proceeded to tie his legs with the extra rope he collected in the barn. Jasper started at the ankles, over his jeans and Tony Loma boots. He cut the rope, then tied his knees. He cut the rope again, then tied his thighs. After his legs were tied, Jasper pulled the bandit's wrists down towards his ankles, essentially folding him in half.
"Wha..." the bandit managed to say before Jasper shot him a look that said "you better not say a word." So, the bandit quietly fussed as his torso was forced onto his lap while his arms were tied to his legs at the wrists, elbows, and biceps. He had never felt so constricted!

Jasper stood back to admire his work. The bandit looked flabbergasted as he stared at his roped up limbs, tugging at his restraints, wondering why Jasper went the extra mile to tie him like this. Jasper stepped out of the room for a moment, which gave the bandit leverage to speak.
"Hey, man! If you're going to call the police, all you need to do is hahhackhhmmphh!" The bandit was cut off by Jasper shoving rolled up white tube socks he retrieved from his hamper into his mouth. He choked out a few raspy grunts as he moved his head away from Jasper's hand, so he can spit out the socks. Jasper also put on a pair of jeans and an unbuttoned red flannel while he was in the other room.
"Hey, maan!" Jasper said teasingly. "Don't you think you've said enough?" The bandit continued to resist, so Jasper grabbed him by his hair to make him stop moving. The bandit opened his mouth wider to holler in pain, which gave Jasper leverage to push the socks in further until he heard a gagging sound.
"That's a good boy! Keep it right there, so I don't have to hear you," Jasper said as if he were talking to a child or a pet. "I wore those socks yesterday while I was arranging the barn. I hope you like them," Jasper added with a smirk.
The bandit groaned, sounding defeated, as he tried adjusting his mouth. Jasper picked up one of the bandanas that he had also retrieved and rolled it into a thin band. He put it over the bandit's mouth, between his lips that are parted by the socks, and tied it behind his head.

"I believe that this bandanna is also used. I was pretty sniffly a few days ago," Jasper said, wanting a disgruntled reaction from his new friend, and he got it.
Again, Jasper stood back to admire his work. The bandit continued to tug at his binds and glared at Jasper resentfully. He looked like he wanted to berate Jasper and his entire family, but was frustrated about not being able to get a word out. Jasper assumed that he must've been uncomfortable.
"Maybe this will teach you not to tell people what they're going to do in their own house," Jasper said. "The police would take too long to get here and if they showed up and looked at you right now, they'd probably say that it looks like I have everything under control," he added, sounding proud of himself.
Again, Jasper was surprised by how fun he was finding all of this. Since this was the first time he had a guest in his house that wasn't family in a long time, he enjoyed the new company. However, since Jasper surmised that this guest can't be trusted and is best kept bound and gagged, there seemed to be more liberties that Jasper can take with the bandit.
First and most obviously, the bandit isn't in a position to stop Jasper from whatever he wanted to do. He can't even voice an opinion. Then, what Japser is starting to realize is that any kind of usual social contract is off the table in this situation. Jasper can be as cruel or rude to this man as he wants because he wound up in this situation for stealing from Jasper. In addition to that, being bound and gagged without any other person around not only isolates the bandit, keeping him from being seen, heard, or rescued, it also allows Jasper to do anything he wants without consequence because he doesn't have to make an impression on anyone. The only other person around is being punished, as well as treated and regarded as lesser, with no form of autonomy.
Another thought that justifies Jasper's role in this is what this "criminal" would do to Jasper if the roles were reversed, if Jasper were the one tightly bound with socks in his mouth. He might just tease and torment him or leave him bound and gagged in this isolated house, leaving him to fight his way out of the ropes or squirm around, hoping to find a sharp corner to cut the ropes with. Or, he might be more nefarious and beat Jasper while he's physically helpless, or shoot him with his own rifle, or set the house on fire with Jasper bound and gagged inside. Or maybe he'd kidnap Jasper, take him just like they took his pigs, so they can continue doing what they wished with him.
Jasper shuttered at the thought of all of this, but was also a little intrigued about the general mystique of being physically helpless. The idea of being at the mercy of some potentially dangerous stranger seemed terrifying, but the novelty of the situation, like something out of a Hardy Boys novel, as well as peril with a chance of escape, seemed exciting. It could probably be one of the few things that would get Jasper's heart racing in this otherwise dull and predictable life, a sense of adventure that he hasn't felt since he was a kid.
Nonetheless, Jasper wasn't going to take any chances with the bandit. He'll store thoughts of his own physical helplessness into his brain for another time, when he's alone. Right now, Jasper is inebriated with power, his new sense of control has made a euphoric daze come over him. The possibilities of what he can do to the bandit seem endless. And unlike the bandit, Jasper thought, he doesn't have an interest in hurting or killing his captive, but he loves the idea of humiliating him.

To mock the bandit and amuse himself, Jasper decided to pull his black bandana back over his face, covering his gagged mouth. The bandit furrows his brow in confusion and tries lowering it again.
"Awww! What's the matter? Feeling uncomfortable?" Jasper asks teasingly. The bandit nods and let's out faint whimpers.
Jasper stretched his arm toward the bandit, but instead of reaching for the bandana, he reached for the collar of bandit's shirt. The bandit shot Jasper another bewildered look. A devious smile peeled across Jasper's face, then he violently tugged at the snaps of the bandit's shirt, making him flinch at the popping sound of the snaps and the sudden rush of air touching his now bare chest. His body was fairly average, not too skinny, too husky, or too muscular. Dark hair was speckled across his chest and some of his stomach.
The bandit's reaction was a mix of outrage and genuine surprise. Of all things, he wasn't expecting something like this, especially with Jasper's unsettling joy for it. He wasn't sure if Jasper was going to take advantage of him sexually or is just being playful with his stint of power, but he didn't like any of it and wished that he could punch Jasper in the face and go home.
The bandit wished that he and his partner would have raided the house and tied Jasper up to prevent all of this, but they just wanted to take some pigs and make a clean break without any incident. Afterall, they were just thieves, not kidnappers or killers. Whenever they tied someone up, it was just a safety precaution to keep them out of the way and prevent anyone from getting hurt or delay cops from being called. But he wouldn't dream of torturing anyone like this.
The bandit felt exposed. It frustrated him that he couldn't button his shirt and had to stay in this embarrassing position with his body on display. His partner would never think to come to his rescue out of fear of getting caught. Plus, one less dirt bag on this job means double the cash for him.
But if he did come to rescue the captured bandit and saw him strung up like a Christmas ham, mouth stuffed, and shirt ripped open, he'd have a field day! He'd probably make jokes about him looking like the center spread for a skeezy pin-up magazine. He'd tell the guys that he became someone's girlfriend and that he's glad that Jasper didn't catch him. He'd probably say that his mouth should get stuffed more often. The bandit wished that Jasper would simply turn him over to the police and stop whatever this is.
Jasper picked up another bandana and began rolling it up. The bandit gave him an exhausted look that says "what now?"
"You're not being quiet enough," Jasper said, half playfully, half seriously. He pulled it over his mouth and mask, and fastened it tightly.

Jasper primarily did this to further torture the bandit, but he'd also like to barely hear anything out of his guest. When he goes on with his day, including situating the barn after all the chaos, he'd like for the house to sound like it is only him and Benny there. He isn't sure just what it would take to achieve that, but he's willing to try a few things out.
Before going out to the barn with Benny, Jasper added a big, white cloth to the bandit's growing gag.

"That should do it," Jasper said in admiration. The bandit's moans were very faint.
Jasper heard the bandit's nose breathing, which was also pretty muffled from the mask, more than anything else. The effort that the bandit seemed to make to barely let out a sound satisfied Jasper. His moans had the intensity and hoarseness of a scream, but wasn't very audible. The bandit's face showed exhaustion when he tried to make a noise, forehead wrinkled with a vein showing, sweaty and pink complexion. He had to catch his breath after letting out a failed cry. This all endeared Jasper. It made this project feel complete, so he can move on to the next one and think about what else he could do with his new friend.